City of Cambridge is located along the northern
border of the City of Boston.
The Cambridge Fire Department operates with 8 Engine
Companies 4 Ladder Companies
2 Squad Companies 1 Heavy Rescue and 2 Division
The City of Cambridge consists of many different
kinds of structures including 1, 2, 3, 4,
story wood frame dwellings. Larger mansion type
homes, 1 story row blocks, 2, 3, 4 story
stores with apartments over, hospital, hotel, high-rise,
church buildings. Colleges, universites, railroads
etc. There are many unknown hazards that can present
problems when fires occur. The Cambridge(all)firefightersare
faced with these unknowns everyday, cluttered attics,
chemical storage, the weather elements etc.
These photos and videos show the Cambridge Fire
Department day, night, snow, rain 24/7
helping the citizens of Cambridge during their time
of need. i would also like to thank the
Cambridge Fire Department for their participation
in proving this website information about the incidents
which we have obtained on video.